Creating a WOW Experience for Your Customers!


Any business can provide good customer service. But if you want to build a highly profitable and successful enterprise, make sure your customer service is “beyond industry standards.”

While numerous factors are responsible for success, by far the easiest way to expand your business is to provide customers with customer service that creates a “wow” experience. This is akin to planting money seeds that will grow and yield harvests of profit.

Sadly, many business owners don’t provide the level of service they are capable of. Remember that all success in business is by design. It isn’t random. Give careful attention to how your business services your clients, and you will see more repeat business and increased referrals for your products and services.

One of the simplest strategies for improving your customer service is to listen to your clients. Your customers are the best source of ideas and inspiration available to you. Welcome compliments and criticisms. Make use of customer satisfaction surveys, which can be performed in person, on the phone, or online. Small businesses can learn a lot from their customers, so listen carefully to what they are saying, and more importantly, listen to what they are not saying!

Failure to follow up and to stay in touch with clients will kill repeat and long-term business faster than anything. People want to know they are valued. They want to hear from you and to feel that they have a relationship with you. Don’t forget! If you don’t connect with them regularly, your competition will. With customer loyalty being at an all-time low in most industries, people are most likely to buy where they feel the most valued and appreciated.

Develop a system of touch points to stay in contact with your client base. Post purchase follow up calls, company newsletters and promotions, greeting cards for birthdays and holidays are just a few of the many ways you can improve your follow up with your customers.

Provide a WOW experience that makes you stand out from your competitors!

The best philosophy to adopt when it comes to customer service is to under promise and over deliver. Although this catch phrase is often overused, the concept is often missed by many businesses. In an effort to make more sales, many companies promise the stars, only to deliver the moon. This may give them a short term win, but it is truly a long term loss, as a disappointed consumer will think twice before buying from that company again. However, if you build a system where promises are made, and then exceeded, your clients will appreciate the “added value” that you provided them.

For example, if upon purchasing your product, the client is promised a 48 hour delivery cycle and receives it a day late, you have an unhappy customer. However, if the client is promised a 72 hour delivery cycle and receives his order in two days, you have earned serious points with that customer. Always under promise and over deliver, in every area of client interaction and you will increase repeat sales and client loyalty.

Consider preparing scripts for every client interaction. Scripts for phone conversations, face-to-face interactions, and email communications. Prepare scripts for every client important interaction. Consider these examples:

  • They ask for help when you are busy
  • They ask for help when you’re not busy
  • They ask a question that you need to get more information on
  • They want something you don’t have
  • They want something that someone else in the company provides
  • They are looking for something they can’t find

Prepare scripts and train your employees to use them. Every business owner has struggled with the varying degree of customer service offered by different employees. Level the playing field! Write down what you want them to say, and then train them to say it. Don’t leave it to chance. Put your most outgoing staff members in customer contact roles. When hiring for such positions, look for attitude first. You can always train for aptitude. And make sure that your staff understand the power of a smile and a friendly attitude.

Finally, how you handle client complaints can set you apart from your competitors. Mistakes happen in business. One can mitigate against them with the proper systems, but you can never eliminate them altogether. What is your fall back plan? How is your staff trained to handle customer dissatisfaction? An unhappy client is an opportunity to build trust and loyalty, if the situation is handled with care. To better handle customer complaints, teach your staff the following concepts:

  • Listen attentively to the complaint without arguing or becoming defensive.
  • Affirm that the complaint presented is a problem that needs resolution.
  • Restate the complaint to the customer in your own words to ensure you understood them correctly. Ask clarifying questions if necessary.
  • Apologize. This is so simple, yet often overlooked. There are few people who are unwilling to accept a sincere apology for a mistake or oversight. This demonstrates that you truly care and are committed to making it right.
  • Provide a solution, i.e. a refund, a replacement, etc. Solve the problem at hand.
  • Thank them for bringing the matter to your attention so that you can improve as a business. By making you aware of the problem, they have helped you better your company and its products and services.

There are many other strategies that can be deployed to create a “wow” customer experience. The key is to take an honest look at your business and evaluate how you rate in terms of your ETDBW (easy to do business with). Consider enlisting the help of someone who is a stranger to your staff to do a mock run-through of your customer experience. What you find might surprise you!

Exceed your customers’ expectations, and you will keep them coming back.

“My business creates a “wow” experience for my clients and regularly exceeds their expectations.”

(Rate yourself 1-10)  


Eric Deschamps – Business Coach & Advisor, Ottawa

Knowing where to tinker…


In my last couple of posts, we have come to establish the following maxim:

Knowledge + Action = Power

Without action, all the knowledge in the world will not get us the traction we long for. On the flip side, charging ahead without the right information and preparation can lead to a shipwreck. In the end, success comes down to the appropriate application of knowledge. Consider the following story.

It is reported that famous automaker Henry Ford once asked electrical genius Charlie Steinmetz to build the generators for his factory. One day the generators ground to a halt, and Ford’s engineers couldn’t fix the problem.So Ford called Steinmetz, who tinkered with the machines for a few hours and then threw the switch. The generators whirred to life. Later, Ford received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000!

Flabbergasted, the rather tightfisted carmaker demanded an explanation for the exorbitant charges.’s reply: “For tinkering with the, $10. For knowing where to tinker, $9,990.” Ford paid the bill without further hesitation.

No doubt Ford’s engineers had ample knowledge about generators and how they function. Yet only Steinmetz knew how to apply his knowledge in order to get the power flowing again. In the same way, what you do with the knowledge you have gained will determine whether or not your business and personal dreams become reality. “Knowing where to tinker” can help you make great strides toward your goals.

Consider all of the great ideas and opportunities that may be in front of you at this very moment. Think about the concepts you could or should act on. Consider taking action in one of those areas today. And strengthen your resolve to keep taking the steps you commit to take.

Exercise: “Take Action” Questions

The following questions can help you take immediate action. Set aside 30-45 minutes to reflect on them. Have a notebook or journal nearby to record your thoughts.  Revisit these questions any time you need help taking action, problem solving, or making an important decision.

  • When you think of (insert topic), what excites you the most excited?
  • What is your goal in this area? Now double it. What version of the goal intimidates you the most?
  • What’s holding you back? What are you afraid of?
  • What support do you need to move ahead?
  • What step could you take right now that would have the greatest impact on achieving your goal (or helping with your decision)?
  • What would achieving this accomplish for you? How would that make you feel?
  • What does your head say? What does your heart say? What does your gut say? How can you reconcile the three?
  • Dig even deeper. What do you really want?
  • What are you waiting for?
  • Based on your answers above, what are you willing to take ACTION on in the next week? What’s your next step?
  • Who can you help you identify your next step?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited do you feel about taking this step?
  • What would increase that score (e.g. handle fear, clearer steps, more support, more fun)?
  • Who should you be hanging out with so that achieving this goal becomes natural (i.e. who’s already doing it)?
  • What will happen (what is the cost) if you do NOT do anything about this? What can you learn from this?
  • If you were your own coach, what advice would you give yourself right now?

Eric Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

Fire, ready, aim?


Fire, ready, aim. This phrase reflects taking action and figuring out the details later. Although some situations call for this type of response, it can often lead to undesirable results, both in life and in business.

If “knowledge equals power” is an incomplete equation, then “action without knowledge” is a recipe for disaster. Consider the following true story.

Several years ago, a 33-year-old man by the name of Larry Walters decided he wanted to see his neighborhood from a new perspective. He went down to the local army surplus store one morning and bought forty-five used weather balloons. That afternoon he strapped himself into a lawn chair, to which several of his friends tied the now helium-filled balloons. He took along a six-pack of beer, a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, and a BB gun, figuring he could shoot the balloons one at a time when he was ready to land.

Walters, who assumed the balloons would lift him about 100 feet in the air, was caught off guard when the chair soared more than 11,000 feet into the sky – smack into the middle of the air traffic pattern at Los Angeles International Airport. Too frightened to shoot any of the balloons, he stayed airborne for more than two hours, forcing the airport to shut down its runways for much of the afternoon, causing long delays in flights from across the country.

Soon after he was safely grounded and cited by the police, reporters asked him three simple questions:

“Were you scared?” “Yes.”

“Would you do it again?” “No.”

“Why did you do it?” “Because,” he said, “you can’t just sit there.”

Larry Walters took action, but failed to act wisely. In their quest for success, too many people take action without first gaining critical information. This lack of preparation leads to many unneeded and costly mistakes. Though one might admire the individual who “can’t just sit there,” the winner’s circle is usually reserved for those who have a plan and execute it successfully. Leadership expert and business guru Peter Drucker states, “action without planning is the cause of every failure.”

“Luke, you must complete the training.”

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you might remember the following scene from “The Empire Strikes Back.” Luke has a vision of his friends in trouble and wants to go rescue them before he has finished his Jedi training. Yoda, his little green mentor, begs him to wait.

“Luke, you must complete the training.”

But Luke has seen the future, and he knows his friends are in serious danger.

“I can’t keep the vision out of my head. They are my friends. I must help them.”

Yoda finally issues a dire warning,

“If you leave now, help them you could, but you will destroy all for which they have fought and suffered.”

But Luke is determined to go; he “can’t just sit there.” He heads off immediately in an effort to save his endangered friends.

Do you remember what happens? Han Solo is captured, frozen in carbonite, and handed over to Bobba Fett, a bounty hunter who takes him to a warlord by the name of Jabba the Hutt. Luke manages to rescue Princess Leia, but has a nasty encounter with his father Darth Vader (“Luke, I am your father…”) and loses his hand in the process. The moral of the story? Even in this galaxy, action without preparation usually spells disaster.

Success comes to those who clarify their vision, work out an action plan to achieve that vision, and work the action plan. Although there is always the risk of getting caught in the paralysis of analysis in the planning stage, “Ready, aim, fire!” is more likely to get you the results that you want than “fools rushing in.”

What is your vision? And what is your action plan for executing on the dream? Plan your work, and work your plan. And may the force be with you!

Eric Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

Knowledge is power… Or is it?


Action is the real measure of intelligence. ~ Napoleon Hill

Few people are aware that it was Sir Francis Bacon who coined the Latin phrase “scientia potentia est,” which literally translates into “for also knowledge itself is power.” In time the phrase was abbreviated to the shorter version we are familiar with today: “knowledge is power.” Used widely to promote a lifestyle of ongoing education and personal growth, the phrase has earned a prominent place in our modern vernacular. But how accurate is that statement? Does knowledge really equal power?

To be fair, Sir Francis lived in an era where information was scarce. The vast majority of people were uneducated and poor. They didn’t have access to books and higher learning. These were reserved for the rich and elite. In this context, “knowledge is power” made perfect sense. Those with the knowledge had all the wealth, the influence and the power.

However, things are much different today. We live in the golden age of media. The Internet (otherwise known as the information super-highway), and social media (such as Facebook and Twitter) have revolutionized the way we gain information. Knowledge is readily available for anyone who desires it. Today, knowledge is readily available to most people in developed countries. What was once the realm of the elite is now shared by the masses. In this age, you don’t have to be listed in Who’s Who to know what’s what.

Knowledge + Action = Power

Knowledge + Action = Power

Now if knowledge alone translated into power instantly, we would all be superheroes! In a matter of no time at all, we would be great and powerful. Teachers and educators would be the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet. But we all know this is not the case.

What is the missing link? What is that crucial step that transforms knowledge into power? The answer is quite simple: ACTION!

It’s what you do with the knowledge you acquire that defines your power. If you don’t convert knowledge into action, it will remain a source of untapped energy. Imagine sitting in your car at a gas station, and your tank is empty. The solution to your dilemma is within your grasp. All you have to do is fill up, and you can be on your way again. But until you actually get out of the car and take action, that fuel will be of no use to you whatsoever, even though it is readily available. As such, it remains untapped.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Without deliberate action – fueled by enthusiasm and passion – nothing of great significance has ever been accomplished. So with all due respect to Sir Francis Bacon, the new maxim should read “knowledge plus action equals power.”

Many business owners believe that the latest business book or seminar is the missing link to their success. They convince themselves that they simply need to gain enough information – the right information – to succeed. Learning is important. That can’t be understated. But the reality is all the knowledge and information in the world, without action, cannot help you gain what you seek.

The key to business success is no ancient mystery hidden from the masses, available only to the elite few. Focusing on key business fundamentals, along with the support and encouragement to implement them systematically in your business, will lead to increased profits and a brighter future.

Ask yourself the following questions. What key principle or fundamental am I working to implement in my business right now? What am I taking action on today? Instead of attending another seminar, or buying another business book, perhaps consider taking action on the knowledge you already possess.

Let me close this post with the following quote from motivational speaker Tony Robbins:

“You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.”

In your business, keep learning. But remember: action is where the money meets the road!

Eric Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

Live Life on Purpose

Over the last few posts, we have looked at a number of benefits that result from having a clear vision: passion, motivation, and direction… to name a few. Let’s wrap up this series with this thought.

People with vision have a strong sense of purpose!

Soon after the completion of Disney World someone said, “Isn’t it too bad that Walt Disney didn’t live to see this!” Mike Vance, creative director of Disney Studios, replied, “He did see it – that’s why it’s here.”

Your dream gives you a reason for getting up and showing up. It translates into purpose. If you don’t get up and show up, something important won’t be accomplished! Suddenly, you matter… You matter a lot! Your life has a deep sense of meaning. Without you, what could be – what should be – won’t be!

Many people suffer from poor self-esteem. They don’t believe that they have much to offer, that their life counts for anything significant. But people with a dream know that they matter! Their life is part of a much bigger story! And they have a key part to play in the unfolding of that tale!

Live life on purpose!

A dream makes you an important link between your current reality and the future. That gives your life purpose, meaning. And purpose provides the MOMENTUM to move you through the obstacles that would otherwise slow you down and trip you up.

What is life like with purpose? It is one of the greatest feelings in the world, perhaps best felt the moment you discover and commit to it. No longer “lost at sea” and being thrown here and there, you now have a strong anchor that enables you to withstand the storms of life.

It is such an empowering feeling to have purpose. You feel truly “alive” in every sense of the word. Your days become much brighter. There’s a glimmer in your eye and a bounce in your step. Problems and obstacles become relative as you put them in proper perspective. You become satisfied with the decisions you make in your life. All your actions and thoughts begin to revolve around your purpose and life as you know it begins to “shape” and “mold” itself according to it.

Study the lives of successful men and women from the beginning of history and you will always find, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that having purpose in their lives played a central role in their success. Their purpose was something much greater than themselves and they genuinely loved pursuing it.

Whatever your purpose is, when you find it, own it – make it your own. Watch as your life slowly sculpts around it, delivering the necessary resources to aid in your pursuit of it. Live life on purpose!


Eric R. Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

Dreams, Decisions, and Direction


A dream will simplify your decision making. Anything that moves you toward the realization of the dream gets a green light. Everything else is approached with caution.

A dream sets a direction for your life. It serves as a road map. And it is accompanied by clearly articulated goals. To arrive at your destination, it’s crucial to understand where you are, what obstacles you are facing, and what strategies you will use to overcome them.

Imagine leaving Ottawa with instructions to go to Medicine Hat. Obviously, it would be easier to accomplish this with a map (or a GPS). Without a map, the trip would be very frustrating, and require much more time and effort. Dreams and goals work the same way. They allow you to identify where you are and how to get from one point to the other.

Identifying goals and priorities is vital to achieving success. Most people have been asked to define their goals at some point — either in school or at work or as part of a self-improvement program. But many get flustered when the topic of goals comes up.

Fear of setting goals too high, fear of commitment, and not knowing what course to chart are just a few reasons people shudder at the concept of goals. Yet goals remain an important part of the dream process, and recording them is crucial. Consider the following.

A graduating class was surveyed about goals:

  • Only 3% of them had goals and wrote them down.
  • 10% had goals, but didn’t have them written down.
  • The rest – 87% – had no goals whatsoever. They drifted through life without any definite direction.

When surveyed again 25 years later, the 3% who had goals and plans that were written down had accomplished from 50 to 100 times more than the other two groups put together!

Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.    Napoleon Hill

Goals need to be recorded and consulted regularly. A map will be of little help if it is never taken out of the glove box. You need to revisit your goals on a consistent basis. If you’re off course, you can re-evaluate and make adjustments.

Vision serves as your compass and guide

Can you see it? A dream will simplify your decision making. Anything that moves you toward the realization of the dream gets a green light. Everything else is approached with caution. Setting clear priorities becomes so much easier. Your dream will bring what’s most important to the surface of your schedule and lifestyle. With a clear “yes” burning in your heart, you know what to say “no” to. Good things don’t end up taking the place of the best things.

On the other hand, people without a dream are easily distracted. They have a tendency to drift from one thing to another. As a result, they often make foolish decisions, decisions that rob them of what they really want. People without direction are busy pursuing many different things, but rarely are they successful. Without a clear vision, people will either:

  • Have no direction and fall into maintenance mode;
  • Go in multiple directions, spreading themselves so thin that they accomplish little or nothing of lasting value;
  • Go in the wrong direction.

Vision protects you from distractions. It serves as your compass and guide. It helps you move purposefully in the right direction. People with a dream have direction. What about you? Are you moving in a clear direction, or just going through the motions?


Eric R. Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

The Motivating Power of a Dream


So far in our vision series, we have looked at the importance of a vision and the passion that fuels it. Today, let’s take a closer look at the motivating power of a dream.

There is nothing more lifeless in the world than an unmotivated person without a dream. A dream motivates you. The reality is, however, that motivation can come in many forms.

Late one night, a man had gone to a party and had too much to drink, so he decided it would be best to walk home. He found a shortcut through a poorly lit cemetery and, in the darkness, stumbled into an open grave. He tried to climb out but the walls were too slippery. Again and again he fell back into the grave. Finally, in exhaustion, he settled in a corner to wait for morning and help to arrive.

A few minutes later, another man in the same condition took the same shortcut through the cemetery and fell victim to the same grave. He, too, tried desperately to climb and claw his way out, and was equally unsuccessful. As he was about to give up in hopeless resignation, he heard a voice from the darkness of the grave: “You may as well give up. You’ll never get out of here.” But he did!

Like in this humorous story, fear can be a motivator. But a clearly-defined dream provides much greater motivation. People with vision are motivated individuals! When you have a dream, the mundane begins to matter. The day-to-day details, chores, and routines of life are suddenly filled with purpose.

Vision gives significance to the otherwise meaningless details of our lives.

In 1997, the city of Winnipeg experienced “The Flood of the Century.” The events of that spring led to over $500 million worth of damage in Manitoba. The result of abundant snowfall and unusually extreme temperatures, it was the worst flood in over 100 years!

Fillings bags of dirt to save a city...

Many of us can still remember the images of devastation as the Red River kept rising and forced the evacuation of over 50,000 residents in the community of Grand Forks. The Canadian military was dispatched to help with the crisis. I still remember the news footage of residents, city workers, and soldiers filling bags with dirt and creating sandbag dikes in an attempt to contain the surging river.

I can’t imagine a more meaningless task than filling bags with dirt. There’s nothing glamorous or fulfilling about it. But saving a city is another thing altogether. Building a dike to save lives gives meaning to the chore of filling bags with dirt. It’s the same with vision.

Too many times the routines of life begin to feel like filling bags with dirt. But take those same routines, those same responsibilities, and view them through the lens of your dream and everything looks different. Vision brings your world into focus. Vision brings order to chaos. A clear vision enables you to see everything differently. Your dream will motivate you, even in the most routine of activities.

Are there routines in your life that feel like filling bags of dirt? Think of ways that you could revitalize those activities by tying them into your dreams and goals. Where do they fit in the big picture?


Eric R. Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

Vision – A Head and Heart Affair


In my last post – The Importance of Vision – I wrote about the value of having a dream. A clear vision enhances one’s life exponentially. That cannot be understated. A business owner with a clear sense of direction for his/her personal and professional life will achieve far more than the owner who is merely putting in his time.

For the next few posts, I want to focus my attention (and yours) on some of the many benefits of possessing a compelling vision.

Let’s start with PASSION. People with a dream are PASSIONATE. Why? Because vision stirs up emotion. There is no such thing as an emotionless dream. This is the feeling aspect of a dream. It stirs us to the core of our being.

You may have experienced this before. Have you ever shared your dream with someone? As you were talking, maybe your palms got sweaty, or the pitch in your voice rose, or the pace of your speech increased. In other words, you got emotional! You became passionate! A dream should move you emotionally! It should stir up passion in you!

The emotions associated with being there (wherever there is) are enough to motivate you through the drudgery of getting there.

In other words, when you imagine what life would be like once your dream is realized, you become passionate about it. This gives life to even the most boring and meaningless task or routine. The feelings attached to your future reality are brought into your present circumstances, fuelling your day-to-day progress toward the goal.

Most Canadians face a crisis of mediocrity. Many have become sick with maintenance mode malaria. Many people are content with barely getting by. It’s just business as usual, many simply going through the motions. But vision is always accompanied by strong emotion. And the clearer the vision, the stronger the emotion.

Where there is vision, there is always passion.

Vision and passion work hand in hand. While vision is a seeing word that involves what you see in your mind, passion is a feeling word that involves your emotions – what you feel in your heart. Passionate people are those who feel strongly about something. The “something” in this context is the vision, the dream. A compelling, clear vision fuels passion.

The importance of getting your emotions involved in this process cannot be understated. Think about the power of your feelings for a moment. If you allow your emotions to dictate your every decision, you may find yourself in trouble! However, if you can channel your emotions properly, you have found a powerful ally in the accomplishment of your dream.

Successful people understand this. Their dream is both a head and heart affair. They see their vision in their mind and they feel deeply about it in their heart. This stirs up great passion, and passion is the fuel in your tank that will empower you to arrive at your preferred destination.

If you can’t feel it, you can’t see it! In other words, if your dream doesn’t stir up strong feelings in your heart, you may have some further work to do in more clearly defining what you really want.

The opposite is equally true. If you can’t see it, you can’t feel it! A stronger emotional response will be created when you can more clearly imagine your preferred future. See it and feel it. Feel it and see it. Imagination and emotion make a powerful team.

People with a dream are passionate. On a scale of 1-10, how passionate are you? Ask a close friend to give you some feedback.

In my next post, we will look at the motivation a dream inspires.


Eric R. Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa


The Importance of Vision


When you have a sense of your own identity and a vision of where you want to go in life, you then have the basis for reaching out to the world and going after your dreams for a better life.

Stedman Graham

Everybody ends up somewhere in life. A few people end up somewhere on purpose. Those are the people with vision, with a clearly-defined dream.

Successful people may have other things going for them as well. But they certainly have vision. A clear dream, along with the courage to take action and follow through, dramatically increases your chances of success. It has been said that if you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time! I couldn’t agree more.

Professional hockey players are highly skilled and trained (and might I add highly paid). They make the game look so easy. Imagine the Boston Bruins and the Vancouver Canucks taking to the ice recently to battle it out for the prized Stanley Cup. Now picture the nets at either end of the rink being removed. Now what do you have? Highly trained and skilled players skating around in circles going nowhere fast, simply wearing themselves out and accomplishing nothing.

Unfortunately, far too many highly skilled and trained business owners are not achieving their full potential because they haven’t clearly identified their dream. They are “skating around in circles going nowhere fast.” Without a vision to guide their day-to-day decisions, they get trapped in the tyranny of the urgent.

Helen Keller, probably the most recognized blind person who ever lived, once said,

What would be worse than being born blind? To have sight without vision.

The Good Book says that without a vision, people perish. They run amuck. They live without restraint, giving their time and attention to whatever screams the loudest instead of what will get them ahead in life.

For a business owner, the backbone of any business plan must be structured around his/her dreams and passions. Only after you have clearly defined your life purpose can you effectively measure any progress toward that goal.

Defining a life mission is a process that requires self-evaluation and reflection. In other words, it takes work. But the benefits of clarifying what you want out of life is worth its weight in gold!

What about you? Do you have a vision for your life? For your business? If so, have you broken it down to action steps you perform every day? Are you living on purpose?

A clear vision can enhance your life and your business exponentially. In upcoming posts I will examine some of those benefits more specifically.

Until then, ask yourself the following questions. They can help kickstart the visioning process.

  1. What do you want to do?
  2. Why do you want to do it?
  3. What are the benefits of doing it?
  4. What are the negative results of not doing it?

Make a commitment right now to set aside 30-45 minutes this week to work on these four questions. You might be surprised by what they reveal.


Eric R. Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa

Why Business Coaching?


So why become a Business Coach? Great question. The simple answer? Helping others succeed has always been my passion. There is no greater feeling in the world than coming alongside someone and empowering them to achieve their goals and dreams.

A day well-lived is a day spent investing in others.

Although I always find it awkward to write about myself, the purpose of this post is to give readers a snapshot into what led me to become a Licensed Professional Business Coach and to launch my own practice – BreakthroughCoach.

Those who know me best will most likely view this new direction as a very natural “next step” in my life story. Motivating people to rise above mediocrity and to live to their full potential has been my life message for as long as I can remember! For over 20 years, I have invested time, energy, and experience into helping others find and fulfill their life’s purpose. What a privilege!

Another passion of mine is business! It has been a part of my life in one way or another since childhood. I have deep admiration for owners of small to medium-size businesses. Being an entrepreneur myself, I empathize with both the joys and the struggles that they face on a daily basis.

Most people go into business for themselves because they dream of greater freedom, higher revenues, more time with family, etc. But statistics and reality bear out a very different story. Most owners feel trapped in the business they created. They work longer hours and often earn less income than when they had a job. Many are hard-pressed to take time off for fear that the business may fall off the rails without them at the helm.

Although they are highly skilled in their area of expertise, they often lack training and experience in one or more of the basic business fundamentals required to run a successful enterprise. As a result, they feel stuck. They aren’t getting the traction they had hoped for. They need a breakthrough.

Business Coaching allows me to help business owners see through the fog of day-to-day demands. Gaining clarity about the “next step” is worth its weight in gold. With proven systems and strategies, I can coach an owner to be more personally effective and to run a more profitable and meaningful business. Behind that business is a dream. My goal is to help owners get there, wherever “there” happens to be.

I am grateful that my life’s journey has contributed over two decades of leadership experience that can greatly benefit the owners I serve. But no one has all the answers! That’s why I am proud to be aligned and licensed with the Professional Business Coaches Alliance with over 100 coaches in the US and Canada. They provide a vast arsenal of tools, strategies, and systems all designed to help owners perform at their best. (For more on the PBCA, visit

Let me put it this way. Every professional athlete understands the value of a coach to help him/her play at the top of their game. It’s no different in the world of business. For the client, business coaching is about peak performance, personal satisfaction, getting the right results, and dreams fulfilled. For me, it’s about the privilege of participating in that process in a meaningful way.


Eric R. Deschamps – Business Coach, Ottawa